Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6 - Introduction to Religious Conflict

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to once again be working with you remotely!  Today we will be diving into a fascinating but tragic topic, the history of religious conflict.  Today we will focus on a general overview of religious conflict and then we will be looking at some specific examples in the coming weeks.  As always I am excited to be working with you all!  Let's get down to business!

  1. Discuss the history of religious conflict and its impact on the world around us
  1. Introduction to Religious Conflict
  1. Religious Conflict Graphic Organizer due Tomorrow (Thursday) to Google Classroom
  2. Current Event #14 due Monday (Event from Asia/Oceania)
    1. Current Event Mapping Instructions
      1. Add CE #14 to the same map you did CE #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13
    1. Asia Map test Monday May 18
      1. Digital Map Directions
        1. For Asia you will be doing your map digitally so please follow these directions
        2. You can also do it physically and take and upload a picture if you want
      2. Asia Countries Quiz (Test prep)
      3. Asia Physical Features Quiz (Test Prep) (make sure to customize)
      4. Australia and Oceania Countries (Test Prep)
      5. Australia Physical Features (Test Prep) Make sure to customize!
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope you learned something new and interesting and I hope you are gaining a better understanding of how the world works around us.  Take care!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    5-6-2020 PPT

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