Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29 & May 1

Hello and ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we began our Religion Research Project.

  • You will be divided into 9 groups 
  • Each group will be assigned a religion
  • You will make a presentation about all of the facets of that religion
  • Each person will have to present at least one slide
  • You must "key" your work
    • Maybe identify your slides with your name
  • Use the categories below as your research guide
  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Sunni Islam
  4. Shia Islam
  5. Judaism
  6. Catholic Christianity
  7. Protestant Christianity
  8. Sikhism
  9. Traditional Chinese Religions (Taoism, Confucianism, etc.)
  1. Basic Information
    1. Adherents Called
    2. Current Adherents (# in the world)
    3. Current Size Rank
    4. Major Geographic Concentration
  2. Religious Text/Authority
    1. Sacred Text
    2. Other Written Authority
    3. Religious Law
  3. Religious Organization
    1. Clergy
    2. House of Worship
    3. Main Day of Worship
    4. Church and State
  4. Religious History
    1. Date founded
    2. Place Founded
    3. Founder
    4. Original Language(s)
    5. Early Expansion
    6. Major Splits
  5. Theology (Religious Beliefs)
    1. Type of Theism
    2. Ultimate Reality (View of God[s])
    3. Names of God
    4. Other Spiritual Beings
    5. Revered Humans
    6. Divine Revelation? (How have people revealed the religion?)
    7. View of Sacred Text (literal vs. allegorical)
    8. Human Nature
      1. Why is mankind here?  What is mankind's purpose?
    9. Important Prayers
    10. Important holidays
  6. Afterlife
    1. Means of Salvation?
    2. God's role in salvation
    3.  Good afterlife?
    4. Bad afterlife?
 Your PPT must follow these guidelines:
  • Title slide
    • Include group members names
    • Religion name
  • Basic Information 1-2 slides
  • Religious Text/Authority 1-2 slides
  • Religious Organization 1-2 slides
  • Religious History 2-3 slides
  • Theology (Religious Beliefs) 3-4 slides
  • Afterlife 1-2 slides
  • Credits 1 slide
    • What were the roles of each group member
    • Include more than which slides were completed (ex. editor, template designer, group leader, etc.)
  • Bibliography 1 slide
 Religion Resources
Use your time wisely!  You will have time in class to work on this.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Here is the Project/Presentation Rubric

Incomplete (60% credit)
Emerging (75% credit)
Proficient (85% credit)
Distinguished (100% credit)
Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information
Audience has difficulty following presentation because students jump around
Students present information in logical sequence which audience can follow
Students present information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow
Subject Knowledge
Student does not have grasp of information; slides have little or no detail, there are multiple inaccuracies.  
Students is uncomfortable with information; Slides have minimal detail; there are some inaccuracies.  
Student is at ease with information; slides are detailed and mostly accurate.
Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required); Slides are very detailed and show understanding, with no inaccuracies.
Student uses unnecessary graphics or no graphics
Student uses some graphics, graphics do not represent text/presentation
Student’s use graphics and they relate to text/presentation
Student’s graphics represent text/presentation AND are creatively used or go beyond simple graphics (gifs or embedded videos)
Student’s presentation has multiple spelling and/or grammatical errors
Student’s presentation has some spelling and/or grammatical errors
Student’s presentation has minimal spelling and/or grammatical errors
Student’s presentation has NO spelling and/or grammatical errors
Eye Contact
Student reads directly from the Presentation and makes no eye contact with audience
Student makes some eye contact with audience but still mostly reads from Presentation
Student makes eye contact most of the time but still needs to read directly from the Presentation
Student maintains eye contact with audience seldom reading directly from the Presentation
Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly to be heard and understood
Student’s voice is low.  Student incorrectly pronounces terms.  Audience has difficulty hearing presentations.
Student’s voice is clear.  Student pronounces most words correctly.  Most audience members can hear presentation.
Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all members can hear presentations.

Total Points:

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27 - Mapping

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class you should have worked on and completed your third Current Event.  If and when you completed the Current Event you should have worked on your Asia Map Packets.

Current Event #9 should be on a newsworthy event in Asia.

Current Event #9 Worksheet

Remember you need to make a copy and title it P(2 or 6)_first and last name_Current Event #9

Remember to review any comments I made on your previous Current Events to avoid making the same mistake twice! 

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24

Hello and ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we finished our Religious Comparison Notes and then we began our Religion Research Project.

  • You will be divided into 9 groups 
  • Each group will be assigned a religion
  • You will make a presentation about all of the facets of that religion
  • Each person will have to present at least one slide
  • You must "key" your work
    • Maybe identify your slides with your name
  • Use the categories below as your research guide
  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Sunni Islam
  4. Shia Islam
  5. Judaism
  6. Catholic Christianity
  7. Protestant Christianity
  8. Sikhism
  9. Traditional Chinese Religions (Taoism, Confucianism, etc.)
  1. Basic Information
    1. Adherents Called
    2. Current Adherents (3 in the world)
    3. Current Size Rank
    4. Major Geographic Concentration
  2. Religious Text/Authority
    1. Sacred Text
    2. Other Written Authority
    3. Religious Law
  3. Religious Organization
    1. Clergy
    2. House of Worship
    3. Main Day of Worship
    4. Church and State
  4. Religious History
    1. Date founded
    2. Place Founded
    3. Founder
    4. Original Language(s)
    5. Early Expansion
    6. Major Splits
  5. Theology (Religious Beliefs)
    1. Type of Theism
    2. Ultimate Reality (View of God[s])
    3. Names of God
    4. Other Spiritual Beings
    5. Revered Humans
    6. Divine Revelation? (How have people revealed the religion?)
    7. View of Sacred Text (literal vs. allegorical)
    8. Human Nature
      1. Why is mankind here?  What is mankind's purpose?
  6. Afterlife
    1. Means of Salvation?
    2. God's role in salvation
    3.  Good afterlife?
    4. Bad afterlife?
 Your PPT must follow these guidelines:
  • Title slide
    • Include group members names
    • Religion name
  • Basic Information 1-2 slides
  • Religious Text/Authority 1-2 slides
  • Religious Organization 1-2 slides
  • Religious History 2-3 slides
  • Theology (Religious Beliefs) 3-4 slides
  • Afterlife 1-2 slides
  • Credits 1 slide
    • What were the roles of each group member
    • Include more than which slides were completed (ex. editor, template designer, group leader, etc.)
  • Bibliography 1 slide
 Religion Resources
Use your time wisely!  You will have time in class to work on this.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Religion Poll

Hello ladies and gentlemen

Below is the Google Form about religion. Please only participate if you are responding accurately and if you want to add to our class dialogue in a meaningful way!  This is completely optional.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

April 22

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today's class activity is your assessment for the Africa Unit.  You will be analyzing 6 documents and then using them to write a comprehensive thesis.  This is your test for Africa so do not take it lightly!  You will have only 60 minutes in class to complete and turn in your assessment!

DBQ Assessment Activity

Imperialism DBQ

After you finished your Assessment we will be starting our Comparative Religions Unit, discussing the major world religions.  We will start with notes today and then you will be starting a research project on Friday.

Use your time wisely and work hard ladies and gentlemen!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20 - Mapping Monday

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome back from Spring Break!

Today in class you should have worked on and completed your third Current Event.  If and when you completed the Current Event you should have worked on your Asia Map Packets.

Current Event #8 should be on a newsworthy event in Asia.

Current Event #8 Worksheet

Remember you need to make a copy and title it P(2 or 6)_first and last name_Current Event #8

Remember to review any comments I made on your previous Current Events to avoid making the same mistake twice! 

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, April 17, 2015

Water Pipeline

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope you are all having a great spring break!  Just thought I would share this article which I found awesome/amusing!

It is about William Shatner (Captain Kirk) trying to get a California Water Pipeline built :)

William Shatner to save California with $30B Water Pipeline


Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we began with our Latin America Map Test and then started working on our DBQ practice.

You will need the files in the folder below:

Practice DBQ Folder

We will be analyzing documents as well as reviewing and grading sample responses using an AP DBQ Rubric.

Directions are duplicated below:
We will be:
  1. Analyzing 12 documents that relate to the question (Whole Class)
  2. Analyze 3 sample responses and grade with the rubric provided (Table Groups)
  3. Create a shared Google Doc with your group and put in your notes, comments, and grades for the three samples (Title - Practice DBQ)
    1. The question written at the top of the document
    2. Notes about the 12 Documents
    3. Comments and grade for the 3 sample papers (include 3 rubrics)
    4. You will submit this to Google Classroom (1 per group)
  4. Discuss the 3 samples (whole class)
The Question - Analyze the attitudes toward and evaluate the motivations behind the European acquisition of African colonies in the period 1880-1914
  • You need to have a thesis that does NOT simply restate the question
  • You need to organize the documents into groups
  • You need to analyze point of view/bias

This is going to be fun!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 6

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we did a review Kahoot for the Latin America Map Test on Wednesday.

Don't forget to come to class with your Latin America Maps ready to turn in and take the test on Wednesday, April 8!

We will be working on the DBQ activity after the test on Wednesday.

Study time!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we finished watching Invictus and discussed it afterward.  Once we have wrapped up our discussion of Invictus we are beginning to talk about Document Based Question (DBQ) essays.  You will need the files in the folder below:

Practice DBQ Folder

We will be analyzing documents as well as reviewing and grading sample responses using an AP DBQ Rubric.

Directions are duplicated below:
We will be:
  1. Analyzing 12 documents that relate to the question (Whole Class)
  2. Analyze 3 sample responses and grade with the rubric provided (Table Groups)
  3. Create a shared Google Doc with your group and put in your notes, comments, and grades for the three samples (Title - Practice DBQ)
    1. The question written at the top of the document
    2. Notes about the 12 Documents
    3. Comments and grade for the 3 sample papers (include 3 rubrics)
    4. You will submit this to Google Classroom (1 per group)
  4. Discuss the 3 samples (whole class)
The Question - Analyze the attitudes toward and evaluate the motivations behind the European acquisition of African colonies in the period 1880-1914
  • You need to have a thesis that does NOT simply restate the question
  • You need to organize the documents into groups
  • You need to analyze point of view/bias

This is going to be fun!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

PS - Here are some websites to help you study for the Map Test on Wednesday of next week!

Central America map test

And South America map test

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we finished watching Invictus we will be discussing the film and begin working on a Document Based Question (DBQ) activity and writing assignment on Friday.  Hope you all enjoyed the film!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti