Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24

Hello and ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we finished our Religious Comparison Notes and then we began our Religion Research Project.

  • You will be divided into 9 groups 
  • Each group will be assigned a religion
  • You will make a presentation about all of the facets of that religion
  • Each person will have to present at least one slide
  • You must "key" your work
    • Maybe identify your slides with your name
  • Use the categories below as your research guide
  1. Hinduism
  2. Buddhism
  3. Sunni Islam
  4. Shia Islam
  5. Judaism
  6. Catholic Christianity
  7. Protestant Christianity
  8. Sikhism
  9. Traditional Chinese Religions (Taoism, Confucianism, etc.)
  1. Basic Information
    1. Adherents Called
    2. Current Adherents (3 in the world)
    3. Current Size Rank
    4. Major Geographic Concentration
  2. Religious Text/Authority
    1. Sacred Text
    2. Other Written Authority
    3. Religious Law
  3. Religious Organization
    1. Clergy
    2. House of Worship
    3. Main Day of Worship
    4. Church and State
  4. Religious History
    1. Date founded
    2. Place Founded
    3. Founder
    4. Original Language(s)
    5. Early Expansion
    6. Major Splits
  5. Theology (Religious Beliefs)
    1. Type of Theism
    2. Ultimate Reality (View of God[s])
    3. Names of God
    4. Other Spiritual Beings
    5. Revered Humans
    6. Divine Revelation? (How have people revealed the religion?)
    7. View of Sacred Text (literal vs. allegorical)
    8. Human Nature
      1. Why is mankind here?  What is mankind's purpose?
  6. Afterlife
    1. Means of Salvation?
    2. God's role in salvation
    3.  Good afterlife?
    4. Bad afterlife?
 Your PPT must follow these guidelines:
  • Title slide
    • Include group members names
    • Religion name
  • Basic Information 1-2 slides
  • Religious Text/Authority 1-2 slides
  • Religious Organization 1-2 slides
  • Religious History 2-3 slides
  • Theology (Religious Beliefs) 3-4 slides
  • Afterlife 1-2 slides
  • Credits 1 slide
    • What were the roles of each group member
    • Include more than which slides were completed (ex. editor, template designer, group leader, etc.)
  • Bibliography 1 slide
 Religion Resources
Use your time wisely!  You will have time in class to work on this.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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