Friday, May 15, 2020

May 15 - Arab-Israeli Conflict Part 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome once again to our remote learning classroom!  I hope that you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves.  We will finish today our notes on the Arab-Israeli Conflict and I hope that you are all paying close attention.  The issues that we are learning about here continue to impact the world we live in and the policies our government makes.  I miss everyone!  Let's get down to business!

  1. Discuss the history of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and complete a graphic organizer
  2. Read and annotate a document on the origins of the Israeli-Palestine Conflict
  1. Introduction to Arab-Israeli Conflict Part 2
    1. Answer questions on Arab-Israeli Graphic Organizer
  2. "Two Claims to Palestine" Reading and Annotation
    1. Continue on your Google Document from Wednesday to complete the boxes on the last two pages of the document
    2. Finish these boxes to turn in tomorrow!
      1. The British Mandate of Palestine
      2. Increasing Arab-Jewish Tensions
      3. The British Mandate of Palestine Ends
  1. Arab-Israeli Graphic Organizer due Tonight!
  2. "Two Claims to Palestine" Reading and Annotation due Tomorrow May 16!
  3. Current Event #15 due Monday (Event from Asia/Oceania)
    1. Current Event Mapping Instructions
      1. Add CE #15 to the same map you did CE #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14
  4. Asia Map test Monday May 18 (This coming Monday)
    1. Digital Map Directions
      1. For Asia you will be doing your map digitally so please follow these directions
      2. You can also do it physically and take and upload a picture if you want
    2. Asia Countries Quiz (Test prep)
    3. Asia Physical Features Quiz (Test Prep) (make sure to customize)
    4. Australia and Oceania Countries (Test Prep)
    5. Australia Physical Features (Test Prep) Make sure to customize!
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you were able to learn something interesting and new!  I miss everyone!  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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