Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15 - Sub Day

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

It saddens my heart that I am not with you all today.  Please be on your best behavior for the sub and follow all directions they give.  When I return on Thursday we will begin working on our Virtual Campus Tour project.  Below you will find everything you need to work today, including our agenda, resources, and homework.

  1. Warm-Up #9 (Answer in your Warm-Ups!)
    1. Prompt: Mapmaking
    2. What tools do you think early mapmakers (cartographers) used in order to create maps? How accurate do you think early maps were?  Why?
  2. Early Mapmaking Reading Activity
    1. First create a copy for yourself (in your Google Drive Account)
      1. File --> Make a Copy
      2. Rename --> "P(1, 3, or 5)_LastNameFirstInitial_Early Mapmaking"
    2. Second Read the directions
      1. The following is a reading to teach you more about the history of cartography (map making).  It should give you a better perspective about the progression map making has taken throughout the ages.
      2. Directions: Read and annotate (take notes) on the following document.  Then answer the questions and submit to Google Classroom today by 3:00pm!  The first section is annotated for you.
        1. The reading is fairly extensive and requires you to take it apart as chunks.  I strongly recommend that you read it one section at a time and after you have read each section, go back and make your annotations in the space provided.  You may also need to use the highlight tool as well as the comment tool to assist you in better taking the notes.
        2. DO NOT forget about the summary questions at the end of the document!  I expect to see these completed as well as the primary annotations.
  3. If you finish the Early Mapmaking Article with time to spare here is what you should do:
    2. Work on any other school work that you need to finish
    3. Read a comic book (There are many in my classroom...have you noticed?)
    4. Read your own book
    5. do something artistic...doodle
    6. Stare aimlessly into space
Homework - NONE!
                      Be sure that you submitted your assignments to Google Classroom!

That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I look forward to seeing you upon my return!

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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