Saturday, March 21, 2020


Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that everyone had a good first week of closure/shelter in place. As of now it looks like we will be out of school longer than expected. That has a couple of impacts on us.
First - until we are told otherwise do not worry about doing any school work over the break. Officially we are not allowed to be doing any distance teaching at this time. That is likely to change if our closure extends longer than expected.
Second - if we are instructed to do distance/online teaching then we will use Google Classroom as our primary tool to provide instruction, do assignments, and give feedback. If the closure extends for a long time then this will be very important to continue teaching and assessing. It will also be an important component to ensuring that your classes/grades count for this semester.

As I learn more information I will provide updates but as of now just do your best to exercise self care and stay safe. If you want to continue learning on your own then my best recommendation is that you work on your maps. You have your Latin America Maps and can access the Asia maps via the blog.

I hope that we will be able to come together again soon but until then take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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