Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 7 & 8 - Introduce Culture

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we will be introducing and discussing our new unit on Culture!  This should be a fun and interesting examination of the way people interact with each other around the year.  Hope you are ready to get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Analyze the different aspects of culture through a lecture/discussion and examining our own personal and national culture
  1. History Today #20
  2. Discuss Culture
    1. What it is!
  3. Activity: Personal Culture
    1. Culture Worksheet #1
    2. Culture Worksheet #2
  4. HTC #10
  1. Comic Book Extra Credit should be typed, printed, and turned in to me on Tuesday/Wednesday 
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you had a great week!  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

11-7/8-2019 PPT

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