Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11 - Mapping Monday (North America)

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our first Mapping Monday!  Today we will be going over the two main activities that will encompass nearly every Monday this semester, working on maps and completing a Current Event worksheet.  Please make sure that you complete your Current Event and turn it in by 11:30 tonight!  Your maps are due the day of the test (in a couple of weeks).  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Warm-Up #3

  1. Intro: Mapping Mondays
    1. Map Packet
    2. Current Event Worksheet
    3. Tracking of Current Events via Map
  2. Closure #1
  3. Mapping Monday Workday

  1. Finish & Submit Current Event #1
  2. Work on Maps
    1. North America Map Test January 25, 2016 
P.S. - I will be out tomorrow for a training.  Just come in, listen to directions from the sub and follow the instructions found on the blog post!

That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you are all doing well!  Don't forget to turn in your Current Event tonight by 11:30!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

1-11-16 PPT

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