As I am sure you have all heard by now we are closed for the next three weeks. There is a slim possibility of the school being reopened earlier but I seriously doubt that will happen. Per district directives we cannot assign work over this period at this point (this could change and I strongly recommend you check my blog and Google Classroom for updates). For right now here is what this closure means for upcoming work assignments:
- All physical work assignments (Maps, tests, in class assignments) are postponed until school resumes.
- When I have an updated calendar I will share it so once again CHECK BACK HERE FREQUENTLY!
- All currently assigned digital work (Current Event #9) is being postponed until Monday April 6 (the Monday when school resumes)
- I may be posting videos and study guides over the course of the break
This is an unfortunate necessity based on the current state of affairs. I strongly encourage you to use this time to rest and recharge, also practice your best hygiene to avoid any possible contamination.
I will truly miss all you amazing people and hope that you are able to stay safe over the next three weeks. Take care.
Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti

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