Welcome back from our break! I hope that all of you have had a wonderful time over the two weeks we have had off. We are about to get started for the new semester. There are several items to review and consider as we go forward with Spring Semester.
1. This is the last semester of the year. We only have until June together to cover all the relevant material and finish strong. This semester will require a higher level of dedicated and determination. Be prepared to work!
2. We will be using a couple of new items this semester and I will be introducing them to you soon. First you will need to set up a Google Classroom account. We will be doing this in class today!
Go to Google Classroom.
Log in with your SJUSD account.
Use the Class Code to add this class
Period 2 - o8877hi
Period 6 - pcr2gz
This will allow for easier sharing and turning in of Google Drive Assignments.
3. This semester we will be taking a much more specific look at World Geography and Cultures. We will have several units where we will be examining the history of various countries around the world as well as the geography of the several continents.
4. A key component of this semester will be applying your knowledge of geography through Map Tests. Follow the Mapping Calendar and make sure that you are ready for the Map Tests, which will make up a significant portion of your grade this semester. Before each Map Test you will be required to complete a Map Packet for that continent and turn it in on the day of the test.
Map Packet Completion Guidelines:
- Must be neatly filled out in pen! Be sure that your maps are not crinkled, wrinkled, damaged, or messy when you turn them in!
- Be sure that they are accurate as these are your primary form of preparation for the Map Tests.
- Be sure that your name, date, and period are on the front of your Map Packet.
I hope you are all ready for a new and energetic semester!
Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti
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