Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people! Today in class we are going to look at our Political Ideology data and analyze where we stand as a Leland community! Should be an interesting look and discussion. We are already done for the week so lets enjoy! Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
- Discuss Political ideologies and where they fall on the political spectrum
- Finish if needed
- HTC #12
- Political Ideology Discussion
- Take (if you did not finish in class) I Side With Political Quiz
- Make sure to answer ALL questions!
- Click on "Show more....questions" if that is an option when you get to the end of a section
- If you do not know much about an issue click on the "learn more" option
- If the available choices don't fit you, click on the "Other Stances" option to open up more possible answers
- For every questions choose the best option that most closely associates with your beliefs
- Once you get your results find the section labeled "THEMES"
- Complete the survey BELOW using your Political Theme results from the I Side With Political Quiz
- Political Survey Data Analysis
- Happy Thanksgiving!
Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti
2-27-2019 PPT