Wednesday, November 27, 2019

November 27 - Political Survey Data Analysis

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we are going to look at our Political Ideology data and analyze where we stand as a Leland community!  Should be an interesting look and discussion.  We are already done for the week so lets enjoy!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Discuss Political ideologies and where they fall on the political spectrum
  1. Finish if needed
    1. HTC #12
    2. Political Ideology Discussion
  2. Take (if you did not finish in class) I Side With Political Quiz
    1. Make sure to answer ALL questions!
      1. Click on "Show more....questions" if that is an option when you get to the end of a section
    2. If you do not know much about an issue click on the "learn more" option
    3. If the available choices don't fit you, click on the "Other Stances" option to open up more possible answers
    4. For every questions choose the best option that most closely associates with your beliefs
  3. Once you get your results find the section labeled "THEMES"
    1. Complete the survey BELOW using your Political Theme results from the I Side With Political Quiz
  4. Political Survey Data Analysis
  1. Happy Thanksgiving!
That's all for the day folks!  Hope you have had a good week!  Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-27-2019 PPT

Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25 & 26 - Finish Econ Notes & Political Spectrum

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we are finishing our Economic System notes and then we will be discussing Political ideology and the American Political Spectrum.  After this discussion we will be taking a survey that will tell us our own Political ideology!  This is great information to see where we are before the election next year!  It's Thanksgiving week so its short and sweet.  I hope that you all are doing well and ready for another week!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Examine economic concepts through analyzing and discussing each system
  2. Discuss political ideologies and where they fall on a political spectrum
  1. Finish Govt/Econ Notes
  2. HTC #12
  3. Start Political Spectrum Discussion
    1. I Side With Political Quiz
    1. Take (if you did not finish in class) I Side With Political Quiz
      1. Make sure to answer ALL questions!
        1. Click on "Show more....questions" if that is an option when you get to the end of a section
      2. If you do not know much about an issue click on the "learn more" option
      3. If the available choices don't fit you, click on the "Other Stances" option to open up more possible answers
      4. For every questions choose the best option that most closely associates with your beliefs
    2. Once you get your results find the section labeled "THEMES"
      1. Complete the survey BELOW using your Political Theme results from the I Side With Political Quiz
    3. Depending on where we finish in class we may do some of this in class on Wednesday!  Stay tuned for updates!
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone feels like they learned something good today!  Take care and I hope that you are all happy about the short week!  Have a great rest of your day!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-25/26-2019 PPT

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    November 21 & 22 - Government & Economic Systems

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  I hope that everyone is doing well and excited that the weekend is so close!  Today in class we will be discussing the various government and economic systems that humans have historically employed.  We will go over the main and most common systems and if we have time we will transition into discussing political ideology in the United States.  These two discussions will open up your eyes to the way the world works and where your burgeoning beliefs are beginning to take shape.  Should be interesting and lots of fun!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Examine government and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing each system
    2. Discuss political ideologies and where they fall on a political spectrum
    1. HT #23
    2. Finish Govt/Econ Notes
    3. HTC #12
    4. Start Political Ideology Discussion
    1. NONE
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone has had a great week!  Take care and have a great weekend!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-21/22-2019 PPT

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    November 19 & 20 - Etiquette Gallery Walk and Culture Quiz

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you fabulous people!  I hope that everyone is having a pleasant start to the week!  Today in class we will begin with the gallery walk of our Etiquette projects.  You will need to take notes on at least five other presentations, so make sure you stay on task and on time!  Afterward, we will take our Culture Quiz!  This should be short and sweet.  Finally (depending on time) we will start our introduction to government and economic systems.  This is a bit of a beast of a day so let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Examine the cultural practices of etiquette through online research and the creation of a digital presentation --> view and evaluate the etiquette of other countries through a gallery walk presentation
    2. Demonstrate knowledge about culture with an emphasis on its definition, how it is exemplified, and cultural interactions
    1. History Today #22
    2. Etiquette Project Gallery Walk
    3. HTC #11
    4. Culture Quiz
    5. Introduce Government and Economic Systems
    1. NONE
    That's all for the day folks!  We are inching closer to the weekend!  Woohoo!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-19/20-2019 PPT

    Monday, November 18, 2019

    November 18 - Culture Video

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  I hope that everyone is doing well and having a great Monday!  Today in class we will be watching a fun video to examine what we know about cultural traditions around wedding ceremonies.  Should be fun and low key!  Let's get to it!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. View, analyze and reflect on cultural traditions associated with weddings
    1. Culture Video: "You Are Cordially Invited"
    1. Turn Etiquette Project into Google Classroom tonight BEFORE 11:59 pm
    2. Culture Quiz next block!
      1. 0 & 5th period tomorrow!
      2. 2nd & 4th period Wednesday!
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope everyone enjoyed the video!  Don't forget to study for the quiz tomorrow and if you have not already done so, make sure to turn in your Etiquette projects!  Take care and have a great evening!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-18-2019 PPT

    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    November 14 & 15 - Finish Culture discussion & continue Etiquette

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will finish our discussion regarding culture and then you will have more time to work on your Etiquette project.  Lots going on today and I hope that you are able to get a lot done!  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Discuss how cultures interact
    2. Examine the cultural practices of etiquette through online research and the creation of a digital presentation
    1. Discuss Culture
      1. How cultures interact
    2. Introduce Etiquette Project
      1. List of countries
      2. Kwintessential
      3. Commisceo
      4. Culture Crossing
      5. Swissotel
      6. Ediplomat
    3. HTC #11
    1. Work on Etiquette Project
      1. Tentatively due on Monday
    2. Culture Quiz Block 1 Next week!
      1. 0 & 5th period - Tuesday
      2. 2nd and 4th Period - Wednesday
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you are doing well and happy that our short week comes to an end.  Take care and have a great weekend!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-14/15-2019 PPT

    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    November 12 & 13 - Continue Culture and start Etiquette Project

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we will be continuing our discussion on culture.  We will start by finishing the culture worksheets from last week, then we will discuss how culture is exemplified, and finally we will discuss and review the directions for the etiquette project.  Should be a fun filled day!  I look forward to our time together!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Discuss and identify the elements of culture, emphasizing how it is exemplified
    2. Analyze etiquette of another country and create a PT to illustrate its cultural differences
    1. Finish Culture Discussion and Activity
    2. HTC #10
    3. HT #21
    4. Discuss: Culture
      1. How it is exemplified
    5. Introduce Etiquette Project
      1. List of countries
      2. Kwintessential
      3. Commisceo
      4. Culture Crossing
      5. Swissotel
      6. Ediplomat
    1. Work on research
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you had a great day and are ready for a short week!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-12/13-2019 PPT

    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    November 7 & 8 - Introduce Culture

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we will be introducing and discussing our new unit on Culture!  This should be a fun and interesting examination of the way people interact with each other around the year.  Hope you are ready to get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Analyze the different aspects of culture through a lecture/discussion and examining our own personal and national culture
    1. History Today #20
    2. Discuss Culture
      1. What it is!
    3. Activity: Personal Culture
      1. Culture Worksheet #1
      2. Culture Worksheet #2
    4. HTC #10
    1. Comic Book Extra Credit should be typed, printed, and turned in to me on Tuesday/Wednesday 
    That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you had a great week!  Take care and have a great weekend!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    11-7/8-2019 PPT

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    November 5 & 6 - Colombian Exchange Quiz and Food Origins Activity

    Hello ladies and gentlemen,

    Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will be taking our Colombian Exchange Quiz and then you will have the remainder of class to finish the Food Origins Activity.  We will be moving from this to our Culture unit.  I hope you are all ready for our quiz!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

    1. Demonstrate understanding of the impact of the Colombian Exchange and Biomes
    2. Create a digital poster that illustrates the origins of food from around the world
    1. Colombian Exchange Quiz
    2. Food Origins Activity
      1. Domesticated Animals Origins
      2. Origins of Agricultural Crops
      3. Map Chart Template Creator
      4. Examples
    3. If you finish BOTH the quiz and the Food Origins Activity early you may start work on the Extra Credit Opportunity below!
        2. CHOICE ONE: Choose a Comic book available in class (Or your own if you have some)
          1. Must choose a whole story
            1. Either a trade (collection of stories)
            2. Or a series of issues that make up a story
        3. Read it!!!
        4. TYPE a one (or more) page refection on what you read.  Answer the questions below
          1. Why did you choose this comic book?
          2. Summarize the story.
          3. What did you learn while reading?
          4. How does the combination of pictures and words make good literature?
          5. Would you try reading a comic again?  Why?
        5. DUE Tuesday/Wednesday (Should be typed, printed, and turned in by hand)
          1. Remember that Extra Credit Points are completely subjective and may or may not be applied to your grade depending on the quality of your work 😜

        Trade Paper Backs

        Series of Issues that Make up a story

      1. Turn in Food Origins Activity
        1. 5th period - Tuesday
        2. 0, 2nd, and 4th Period - Wednesday
      That's all for the day!  I hope that you feel good about the quiz and are ready to finish and turn in your Food Origins Activity.  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

      Live long and prosper,

      Mr. Marchetti

      11-5/6-2019 PPT

      Monday, November 4, 2019

      November 4 - Food Origins Activity

      Hello ladies and gentlemen,

      Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class you will have time to work on your Food Origins Activity.  This will be due on the next block class (you will have time to work on this in the next class).  Remember that you need to find the origins for each ingredient in your recipe!  This should help illustrate how the Colombian Exchange impacted the food we eat in the world today.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

      1. Explore the origins of your favorite recipes and how the Colombian Exchange has impacted food today
      1. Food Origins Activity
        1. Domesticated Animals Origins
        2. Origins of Agricultural Crops
        3. Map Chart Template Creator
        4. Examples
      2. HTC #9
      1. Food Origins Activity due next class day
        1. Tuesday - 5th period
        2. Wednesday - 0, 2nd and 4th period
      2. Colombian Exchange & Biomes Quiz 
        1. Tuesday - 0 & 5th period
        2. Wednesday - 2nd and 4th period
      That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone is doing well and having a great new week!  We are now on the last chunk of our semester!  Stay on Target!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

      Live long and prosper,

      Mr. Marchetti

      11-4-2019 PPT