Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19-21 - Final Exam

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you all!  Today in class we have our final exam!  I hope that you all have prepared and are ready to go.  I have faith in you all!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Demonstrate content knowledge through a Final Exam


  1. Final Exam


  1. Rest, recuperate, and regenerate!
  2. Enjoy your holidays!

That's all for the day folks!  I am proud of all the work you have done so far this year!  Use the two weeks off to rest, recuperate, and regenerate from your first semester of high school.  It can be tough and I know that you need some time off.  Use it wisely!  I will miss you all!  Take care and I look forward to seeing you all in two weeks!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18 - Study for Final Exams

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you all!  Today in class is our last chance to study for your final exams!  Finals start tomorrow and I hope that you all have applied some of those study skills that we discussed last week.  Finals can be stressful so organize your time and plan how you are going to study, this should alleviate some of that stress.  Make sure if you have any questions come and ask me!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day. 


  1. Study for Finals!


  1. Study for Finals!


  1. Study for Finals!

That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you all feel good and ready for the exams that start tomorrow!  Take care and good luck!

Mr. Marchetti

12-18-2018 PPT

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 13 - Study for Final Exam

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you beautiful people!  Today in class we will be spending time reviewing for the Final Exam!  Huzzah!  I know you are so excited for this!  I hope that you are all ready to go and please remember that tomorrow is the last day I will accept late work.  Let's get to it!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Review for the Final


  1. Review Study Guide
  2. Create 10 short answer/fill in the blank questions based on the study guide


  1. Study for the Final!

That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you are beginning to feel prepared!  Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to turn in late work!  Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-13-2018 PPT

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 11 - Finish Ideal Society Project

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you all!  Today in class we will be finishing and sharing our Ideal Society Mini Projects.  Keep on top of that work!  Remember that this Friday is the last day that I will accept late work!  I am looking forward to seeing your mini societies and hope that you had fun working with this!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Groups will show mastery of governments/economics by sharing out their ideal society projects


  1. Ideal Society Mini Project
    1. Groups Will share out their projects
  2. Final Review Study Guide


  1. Study for Finals!

That's all for the day folks!  Remember the Friday deadline!  Take care and have a fabulous evening!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-11-2018 PPT

Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10 - Ideal Society Mini Project

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you beautiful people!  Today and tomorrow we will be working on a fun little group project to finish out our discussion of governments and economic systems.  This is our last full week together before final exams so make sure that you are staying on top of all your work and finishing strong!  Remember that this Friday is the deadline for turning in late work.  I hope that you are all ready to go and finish up!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. SWBAT show mastery of government/economic systems by creating your own ideal societies
  1. Ideal Society mini project
    1. Review Instructions
    2. Work Time
  1. Study for the Final Exam
That's all for the day folks!  I hope you had some fun!  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-10-2018 PPT

Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6 - Political Ideology Survey

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you all!  Today in class we will be discussing political ideologies and we will be examining our own thoughts and beliefs.  This is a fun and interesting way to examine what it is we believe and how we do it.  I hope that you are all ready and excited to see what you believe!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Better understand modern political thought through engagement in online surveys and analyzing peer data regarding their political stance
  1. Survey/Polls: Political themes, parties, and ideology
    1. Take survey on
    2. After you have answered ALL the questions
      1. Complete the Ideology Survey and submit your response!
  1. NONE
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that today was enlightening!  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-6-2018 PPT

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4 - Finish Gov/Econ and Start Ideologies

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you beautiful people!  Today in class we will wrap up our discussion of government and economic systems and then we will start discussing political ideologies and how they relate to our current political climate today.  This is a fun and interesting discussion and should be fun learning more about ourselves!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing each system
  2. Discuss political ideologies and where they fall on a political spectrum
  1. Finish Gov/Econ Notes
  2. History Today #26
  3. Start Political ideologies
  1. NONE
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you all have enjoyed learning about different government and economic systems, I know I have!  Take care and have a fabulous weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-4-2018 PPT

Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3 - Start Government/Econ Discussion

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you beautiful people!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  Today in class we will be starting our quick discussion on the general forms of government and economic systems.  This will provide a foundation for understanding how nations and states around the world function both politically and in the ever confusing realm of money.  I hope that you are ready to learn some fun stuff!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Examine governmental and economic concepts through analyzing and discussing the different systems.
  1. HT #
  2. Discussion of Government and Economic Systems
  1. NONE
That's all for the day folks!  We will finish whatever we did not get to tomorrow.  Hope that you have enjoyed!  Take care and have a great day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

12-3-2018 PPT